Best Places To Retire. Up to half of Americans have nothing saved for retirement. Whether your retirement is years away or right around the corner, knowing the best cities to retire can help your hard-earned dollars go farther.
However, another way to make your money go further as we start to live longer is to spend less. The atmosphere is extremely attractive to retirees and you get a wide range of. That's according to our methodology that considers tax burden and the prevalence of medical centers, recreation centers, retirement communities and other seniors.
Where you retire can have a huge impact on how much you spend both in taxes and living expenses.
Up to half of Americans have nothing saved for retirement.
In addition to International Living's list, there are lots of sources advising retirees where they should go if they. What are the best places to retire for British expats? Finding the right city is essential, especially if you want to get the most out of your retirement nest egg.